Monitoring of The Oakwood DEAL
Oakwood School employs several vehicles through which the quality of teaching and learning is monitored with any areas for development (whether they be whole school, departmental or individual teachers) are addressed through the school Professional Development programme.
Methods for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning;
- Formal lesson observations
- SLT learning walks and book checks
- Head of Faculty learning walks and book checks
- Developmental lesson observations as part of the teaching and learning team trios.
- SLT homework, rewards, first and second warning checks
- Head of Faculty homework, rewards, first and second warning checks
Formal Lesson Observations
These take place at least twice per academic year for each teacher. Each observation is 1 hour in duration. Findings are recorded via the Oakwood School lesson Observation Grid under the following categories in line with The Oakwood DEAL;
- Classroom Content
- Long Term Memory Recall
- Progress
- Challenge
- Active Learning
- Adaptive Teaching
- AfL and Follow Up Intervention
- Assessment Dialogue
- Knowledge
- Classroom Ethos
- Environment
- Learner Behaviours
- Teacher behaviours
The observer will make every effort to give verbal feedback within 24 hours and written feedback within 5 working days. Each teacher is given areas of strength and areas for development which they respond to in writing on the Observation Grid and undertake any appropriate training to address.
All findings from the Observation grids are kept centrally and analysed to determine whether there are any whole school or whole faculty training needs.
SLT Learning Walks and Book Checks
These are undertaken on a daily basis via a specified rota which is created at the start of each academic year. Students’’ books are checked during these learning walks, most weeks there is a specific focus (e.g. P.P.I. / S.E.N. students, Year 8 etc..). If there is an issue with the students’ books (e.g. lack of progress, non-compliance with school marking policy) then this is addressed through the school, line management structure initially and then taken further if deemed necessary.
Head of Faculty Learning Walks and Book Checks
These are undertaken on a fortnightly basis and follow the same procedures as SLT learning walks and book checks.
SLT and Head of Faculty Homework, Rewards, First and Second Warning Checks
These are undertaken on a half termly basis and any issues addressed through the school line management structure initially and then taken further if deemed necessary.
Developmental Lesson Observations as part of the Teaching and Learning Team Trios.
These take place in the Spring or Summer Term and replace the 3rd formal lesson observation for teachers. Cross curricular trios are created from teachers who undertake 20-30 minute joint observations of each member of their team with a specific focus. Findings and areas for development are feedback through team to inform any professional development needs.
Any teacher who is found to be consistently underperforming / not complying with school policy via these methods of monitoring (and any other informal methods of monitoring) will be addressed through a teaching and learning support plan within a specified time frame outlined at the initial meeting of this support plan. If this is not successful capability proceedings.