The school is well served by public transport by train and bus. The train station is approximately a 10 minute walk and there are bus stops in Horley Town and along the Balcombe Road.
All those requesting transport should have replied to the Admission & Transport Team’s letter with their preferred mode of transport and those who are entitled will hear by the end of August.
If you have any queries concerning entitlement and the issue of transport passes please ring Surrey County Council (Lines are open Monday to Fridays from 8.00am to 6.00pm.):
The Education Authority states:
‘It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child’s behaviour is of a good standard and that children should wear their seat belts if they are provided. The Authority reserves the right to withdraw any transport provisions if a child persistently misbehaves on the school bus/coach. The Authority would also support a Headteacher’s decision to withdraw transport provision for disciplinary reasons associated with the use of that transport for a limited period wherever possible. Before transport is withdrawn a written warning should be given followed by written notification to the parents of the period of suspension and the reasons for such.
Finally, I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that parents will be held financially responsible for any damage to the vehicle caused by their child which may result in the need for reimbursement to the operator.’
Parking Policy
Cars are not permitted on the school site at any time and parent/carers are asked to make arrangements with students to drop off/pick up at an alternative location.
The front of the school is for authorised permit holders only and is required for coaches, taxis and school minibuses, please note there is also no parking on the Balcombe Road.
The back of the school from the Smallfield Road also has the same regulations, and must be kept clear at all times for emergency vehicles. There is no parking permitted in the Oakwood Sports Centre.
We ask that parents/carers respect these regulations, so that we can keep students safe.