Oakwood PTA

A Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a formal organisation composed of parents, teachers and staff which is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. Like many schools that have a PTA, Oakwood School is no exception. Apart from supporting the school at various events throughout the academic year, one of our main functions is to help raise funds for the school.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at any time at pta@oakwood.surrey.sch.uk. At Oakwood the PTA warmly welcome new members, whether it is to help out when they can at PTA supported events or attend PTA meetings.

VxtwitterFollow us on X (Twitter) at @oakwood_pta

Due to the current situation all meetings are temporaily postponed, as soon as we can begin to meet again we will post details here.

PTA Uniform shop

Any requests for second hand school uniform can be directed to shurstwaite@oakwood.surrey.sch.uk

Help out when you check out

EasyfundraisingCollect FREE donations for OAKWOOD SCHOOL every time you shop online.  Join, shop and raise here: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/oakwoodhorley



PTA News & Events Date  
2nd hand uniform price list 19th Oct 2023 Download
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