Governing Body - Responsibilities
Governor Name | Category of Governor | Term of Office | Appointing Body | Membership of Committees | Positions of Responsibility | 2023/24 FGB | 2023/24 Resources |
Mr Mark Richards | Co-opted | 03/12/2024 - 01/12/2025 | Governing Body | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Link to Ms Henden - Community (student voice, school council etc) | N/A | N/A |
Mrs Emma Jukes | Co-opted | 19/10/20-12/10/28 | Governing Body | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Link to Mr Gladstone Overall Effectivness, Leadership & Management. Cyber security. | 7/7 | 3/4 |
Mr Jay Bourgoyne | Co-opted | 28/6/2022-27/6/26 | Governing Body | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Chair of Resources, Finance Leadership, Link to Mrs Matthews, School Business Manager | 4/7 | 4/4 |
Mr Ryan Bull | Co-opted | 9/5/2023-8/5/27 | Governing Body | Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | SEND Link Governor, additionally, link to Mr Shilling (Personal Development) | 6/7 | N/A |
Mr Jon Gladstone | Staff-Head | 01/09/2023 - | Ex Officio | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Head Teacher | 7/7 | 4/4 |
Mr Anthony Welch | Staff-Head | 12/06/2023-11/6/27 | Staff | Quality of Education link to Mrs Dunford | 7/7 | N/A | |
Mr Andy Davies | Parent | 27/6/2019-14/06/2027 | Elected by parents | Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Link to Ms Rushton for Pupil Premium, KS4 Behaviour and attitudes. | 6/7 | N/A |
Mrs Kate Attwood | Parent | 27/11/2020-26/11/2024 | Elected by parents | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Vice Chair. Link to Mrs Matthews – Leadership (H&S and site development) | 7/7 | 4/4 |
Mrs Sarah Limb | Parent | 15/03/2024-14/03/2028 | Elected by parents | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Pastoral Link Governor (includes Safeguarding, Behaviour, Attendance & Wellbeing) with Mr Easlick | 2/2 | N/A |
Mr Eb Idun | Parent | 15/11/2024-14/11/2028 | Elected by parents | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | Link to Mr Dronfield (Quality of Education) – raising aspiration, pupil outcomes and assessment | N/A | N/A |
Mr James Baird | Local Authority | 4/7/23-3/7/27 | Local Authority | Resources, Pay, Pay Appeals, Head Teacher Appraisal Panel, Student Discipline, Staff Dismissal & Appeal | LA Link, Vice Chair of Resource for Learning, Data Management (Quality of Education) Link to Mr Dronfield | 5/7 | 4/4 |
The Governing Body was reconstituted from 18 to 13 members at the FGB meeting on October 2019, in line with guidance in DfE’s document “Constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools” (29 August 2017).
Governors in post in the last academic year
Name | Position | Term Dates | Elected by |
Ms Pearl Addo | Co-opted | 1/12/20 - 20/9/24 | Governing Body |
Mr Clive Elliot | Co-opted | 20/8/08 - 29/10/24 | Governing Body |
Mrs Jayne Dickinson | Co-opted | 01/09/09 - 03/12/24 | Governing Body |