Awards & Achievements

"A good school is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment."


"...national recognition for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country." SSAT

"Oakwood School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results. Oakwood School has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their pupils. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Oakwood School’s success. "SSAT

"The Surrey County Council anti-bullying Charter Mark is designed to give accreditation to schools for their commendable work in creating a safe learning environment for our pupils and effectively responding to and managing incidents of bullying and peer conflict." The Surrey County Council anti-bullying Charter

"Investors in People is the national Standard which sets a level of good practice for training and development of people to achieve business goals. ..."

Investors in People

"Investor in Careers is the most widely recognised quality standard for the management of careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) in schools and colleges." Investor Careers

Ofsted Good          SSATlogoCharter SilverIIP GOLD LOGO RGBIiC logo New

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